Monday, September 9, 2013

EN 338 Word Journal Week 2:

Evan Bradtke

1. balky-Adjective-Def: Given to balking (as a horse); reluctant to proceed; contrary, perverse.

Context- Description of old, arthritic joints (of a human character closely tied to the land) in Willa Cather's novel O Pioneers!

History: According to OED quotes, Until the late 1800's this word referred primarily to horses. Therefore, this word marks Ivar, whose joints it describes, as more animal-like than the other characters in this context. More recently it has come to be applied to more general contexts as a synonym for stubborn, including a citation from The Economist in 1957 describing states' reluctance to cooperate in federal programs. The spelling

2. spar-Noun-Def:  A general term for a number of crystalline minerals more or less lustrous in appearance and admitting of easy cleavage.

Context: Discussion of sights to see on holiday in Pride and Prejudice.

History: The first OED citation of this word is in 1581 and the most recent is in 1873, so it appears this is an archaic word. I didn't see any changes in meaning over that time period. It is regularly mentioned in association with mine sites, regularly found with veins of coal or led.

Hypothesis: The word became archaic because, as a result of the industrial revolution in Britain, the coal or other minerals which appear with spars became more valuable or notable than the spar itself. The significance of spar then evaporated with the exhaustion of these mine sites.

3. querulous-Adjective-Def:1. full of complaints; complaining. 2. characterized by or uttered in complaint; peevish.

Context: Description of Mrs. Bennett in Pride and Prejudice.

History: According to OED quotes, the definition and use of querulous has been stable over time, with effectively identical uses to describe the character of a person or group of people from 1493 through their most recent quote in 2006.

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