Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome to English 338!

In this class, we'll learn about the history and structure of English words and about the study of words from various linguistic perspectives (structural, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic). However, I also want this class to be a place where we can share the sheer delight that many of us have in using certain words. Nobody conveys this delight better than lexicographer Erin McKean in her TED talk "The joy of lexicography" (which we will discuss in class).

This blog is meant to be a place where we can share favorite words and words we find interesting for whatever reason. Every week, beginning in week 3, there will be blog posts by students -- think of it as a modified version of an "A Word A Day" newsletter. Feel free to post more than once, but everybody has to post at least once.

For all the word nerds among you, I recommend the following websites:

LanguageLog -- hands down the best blog in linguistics (it's impossible not to learn from this blog)
A Way With Words -- if you prefer listening to reading
A Word A Day -- the oldest of many such offerings